No of sittings are purely dependent on the diagnosis of clients as to what extent we can control dandruff and also to some extent on the expectation of client.
Hair fall causes due to multiple factors like, Heredity (Andro-Genetic Alopecia), Lifestyle, Usage of products, Health issues, Hormonal issue and Vitamin Deficiencies etc.
Daily about 100-150 hair stands fall of from our scalp as a wear and tear and same is replaced by our body system. Our hair travels through 3 stages called Anagen, Catagen and Telogen. Normal wear and tear is not a concern but when our body starts to shed more than the standard hair per day may lead to baldness (Alopecia).
Baldness can happen to both males and females.
PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is a natural way to grow back hair as this procedure involves your own plasma extracted from your own blood which has rich growth factors.
PRP as procedure is used in multiple medical treatments like Sugar ulcers, Gum issues, Orthopedics etc.
Since, this is completely non-surgical and minimally invasive procedure the down time of the treatment is nil. And no side effects as the plasma is our own biproduct and no anesthesia used for performing PRP procedure.
PRP can be done forBoth males & females for Hair loss and Skin rejuvenation (for face, hands & feet) as well
Frequency of TreatmentUsually PRP is done every 3-4 weeks and about 6-8 sessions would required for optimum results.
ResultsResults of PRP can be noticed 3rd session onwards and within 6-8 session we can notice remarkable hair growth.
SafetyPRP is a complete natural procedure and it has no side effects in both short and long term.
Cosmetic Dermatologist (person who has done MBBS for 6 years & then 3 years of MD in the field of Dermatology & Trichology and have been trained and experience in the cosmetic procedures)
Anyone above 15+ years of age and suffering with bad bulges on the tummy, hips, thighs & arms.